CEO's Message

CEO's Message !

On behalf of all the Gama Oil Investment Company Ltd.  employees, allow me to welcome you to our website. Thank you for visiting Gama Oil Investment Co Ltd (G.O.I.C) website and for taking time and showing interest to learn more about our company. 

Gama Oil Investment Company's core functions are oil procurement and Trading , Marketing , importing and exporting  , finance and  investment's consultant  oil and petrochemical products. As the Gama Oil Investment Company  core operating company responsible for supply, we are committed to simultaneously driving forward business and meeting our corporate social responsibilities. 

 Supporting the Gama Oil Investment Company's vision of becoming a vertically integrated global energy company , we at Gama Oil Investment Company will work to maximize the Group's corporate value by achieving world-class operational safety and supply stability.

I believe that our quest for sustainable growth can be rapidly realized through candid communication with you. In that regard, we would like to keep you updated on our activities in detail through this website. All employees and officers of Gama Oil Investment company, Ltd. including myself, will make relentless efforts with passion to make Gama Oil Investment Company,Ltd.  a greater company trusted by you all. 

Yours sincerely, respectfully

Capt. Ehsan GHANDI

President and Chief Executive Officer

© 2024 Gama Oil Investment Company Ltd.